So.... I Did A Thing!

My friends reading this are probably rolling their eyes and going “Here we go again! Always doing something…” and they would not be wrong. But…. This one is special. Mostly because it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but never actually thought I had what it took. So, I guess you’ve already picked up the first message in this post. Yes, you have what it takes….. Okay, I’ll dive right into the gist.

I WROTE A BOOK! Yes, like an actual book. I wrote it, had it go through all the stages of editing, formatting, publishing…. And now actually happening. Like sitting on shelves with my name on the spine. How amazing is that?!

So this post is really about that; a self Q&A of sorts (inspired by questions I’ve received from a few people who knew about it), just to share my journey on this project with you. I hope it inspires you to surmount the challenges I did, embrace your big dreams and propel you towards feeling this sense of fulfilment that’s currently overwhelming me right now.

  • Why did you decide to write a book?

Writing has always been an outlet for me. I mean, if you’re reading this in a newsletter or on my blog, odds are you already knew this. But ever since I was a little girl, being an author was a far-fetched hazy dream, but a dream nonetheless. One that I didn’t think I could seriously consider, but would be a “nice-to-have” at some point in life. But then the more I wrote random things, the more feedback I received, the more none of that really scratched that specific itch, the more I realised I had to take the bull by the horns and take the plunge. And I guess the right time came along. It was an easy decision. It was at a time where I had found my voice, albeit in the non-fiction genre but I had a clear idea of what demographic and theme I wanted to explore with my debut. And like all fortuitous events, everything lined up to make this the right time for it!

  • What is the book about?

Buy it and find out! LOL…. It’s about a girl (who may or may not have been inspired by me and my imaginary friend of decades past). It’s about food. It’s about family. It’s about adventure. It’s about love.

  • Why did you choose to write fiction?

This one surprised a lot of people, mostly because a lot of my recent writing has been in-depth personal and real stuff. But actually, a lot of my other writing - the ones that never make it up on the blog - is escapism. Most of my diary entries as a kid were embellished with details of the life I actually wished I was living. So in a sense, my head has always been in the clouds; but age and maturity have helped ensure that I’m still under gravity’s spell (albeit barely). But in my opinion, there was no better way to represent these two sides of who I am as a person than by meshing them together to tell a story that I hope you will love.

  • What was the process like? 

Well, I don’t particularly have a creative process beyond ruminating on something in my mind for a while and then one day, without much ado, just simply….doing it. And well, that was kind of what happened here. I toyed with the idea, even considered co-authoring (back to not thinking I had what it took), and then one day, I simply sat down; and in three hours, I had written the entire story and the rhymes in it (uh-oh I’m giving stuff away now!) but yeah, it was as simple as just deciding to do it and then just doing it. Storytelling comes naturally to me, so I guess once I got past the cold feet, it was smooth sailing. 

Oh but then when I had to send it for professional editing and to a few of my trusted people to review… woooh! That was another whole set of nerves I had to deal with. It’s one thing to have a ton of crap sitting in your notes app, but a totally different ball game when you’ve told people you want to put something out and then have to wait hours (even days!!!!) for their feedback. How did it go? Well, I’m here telling you about the book, so not as bad as I feared, really.

  • What would make this project worth it for you?

To be honest, it’s already worth it. The fact that I could create this thing from scratch and get to this point where it’s out in the world, that’s more than enough for me. But let’s push the envelope, why don’t we? What would be the icing on the cake, would be seeing you read it, try new things because of it and having you pass it on to other people in your life. Now that would be excellent!

  • What is the book titled?

Well, where’s the fun in telling you everything right now? Hang with me for 24 hours. I’ll spill everything this weekend (with links and visuals) I promise.

  • So what next?

Nothing. Honestly, I want to just rest, as I have a lot going on right now. This book is the start of a series, and there are many more stories bubbling inside, waiting to be released, both of the fictional nature and otherwise. But they will show up in due course. 

  • And now, when and where can we get this book?

Easy. On Amazon everywhere (both paperback and kindle). In Nigeria, it will be available via Roving Heights in the upcoming fortnight (an announcement will follow); and as I get our stock spread across various bookstores, I will update all my channels and keep you posted.

Finally, I want to thank YOU. This blog has been a safe place to land for the last few months, and if I didn’t have this community and this medium, I probably wouldn't have ever taken this step. So, thank you…. For reading, listening, communicating and just being plain amazing!

Please keep your eyes peeled. In 24 hours, you’ll receive another exciting message with the goods! So join the countdown on Instagram!

Says Mara as she stretches and rubs her tummy..jpg

Oh well. That was a little teaser for you, as I rub my belly with glee and with a dash of nerves when I think about what’s just ahead…. Now jam with me as I spend a few more hours chilling until the reveal…