Walking: How I Achieve Wellness For Free

Discover the Incredible Benefits of Walking to Achieve Wellness: My Personal Experience!

Woman and 2 young boys walking in a garden maze smiling and posing for the camera, illustrating how to achieve wellness through walking

I grew up in a gated community where cycling and pedestrian traffic was something I was used to. What did I know about how to achieve wellness? Nil! I was having fun playing outside with my friends, walking to the club house and running errands with my brother. None of those were particularly long distances, but I recognised that walking, though exerting, was nice when the weather was great.

But then I became a teen; and for some reason, walking wasn’t cool anymore. The climate was humid and you would definitely work up a sweat no matter how slowly and leisurely you walked. and who wants to arrive at a cool spot all sweaty and breathing heavily? Cool kids got driven around in cars and walking long distances (or ‘trekking’ as we called it, in a derogatory way no less) was what people did when they couldn’t afford to be chauffeured around town. So what did I do? Yep, I stopped walking long distances. I asked to be driven, or I got in a cab.

So imagine my surprise when I moved to the temperate west, and saw people not only walking crazy distances, but doing so in ridiculously cold (and sometimes hot) weather! Like, why would you do that? Fast forward a few years, and guess who looks for any opportunity to walk? Yup, this girl right here! And now I can’t imagine ever not recognising how incorporating a simple activity like walking into your daily routine can lead to a holistic sense of wellness.

Now, you know a walk on the beach is one of my absolute favourite things. I don’t even care what the weather is like. Imagine feeling a renewed sense of vitality and balance in your life, while also achieving physical and mental well-being. So, in this guide, we will explore the power of walking and how it can transform your overall wellness. Whether you're a busy individual, a desk job worker, a stay-at-home mom, or a woman living with PCOS, walking can be tailored to fit your lifestyle. 

Benefits of Walking

One of the key advantages of walking is its versatility. Whether you have a packed work schedule, endless household responsibilities, or a whirlwind of family commitments, walking can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. This form of exercise does not require specialised equipment, or a designated time slot. You can literally walk anywhere and at any time. The flexibility of walking makes it an ideal choice for busy people seeking a sustainable and flexible wellness practice. 

Another benefit of walking is its positive impact on mental wellbeing. The simple act of walking stimulates the release of endorphins (feel-good hormones), which can help alleviate stress, anxiety and depression. Walking in nature, e.g. a nearby park or a tree-lined street, can provide an additional boost to your mental health. Studies have shown that spending time in green spaces while engaging in physical activity can enhance mood, reduce mental fatigue, and improve overall cognitive function.

Walking also offers a range of physical benefits. It is a low-impact exercise that puts less strain on your joints compared to activities like running or intense aerobic workouts. This makes it an excellent choice for people with pre-existing conditions, such as joint pain or limited mobility, keeping it not too hard on your body. Regular walking can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, strengthen bones and muscles, and aid in weight management. 

The best part? It is free! You don't need to invest in expensive equipment or undergo grueling training regimes to reap these benefits. Walking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes a day is all it takes to start experiencing noticeable improvements in your physical well-being.

Walking can also indirectly contribute to your overall productivity and efficiency. Taking short breaks throughout the day to go for a walk has been shown to enhance focus, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. By stepping away from your work or daily responsibilities, you give your mind a chance to recharge and reset. 

So, how can you make walking work for YOU? 

Do you have a desk job? 

  • Take short breaks throughout the day to go for a walk: With a few simple adjustments and creative strategies, you can seamlessly incorporate walking into your workday and experience a whole new level of wellness. Consider using a standing desk or a treadmill desk if possible, providing a constant level of physical activity throughout the day. This way, you can achieve your daily step goals without compromising productivity. If this is not an option, try standing up and stretching every hour, or take short walking breaks around the office or outside the building.

  • Incorporate walking into your work day: Sometimes I take a walk around the block or up and down the stairs in my office building, in the middle of the day by scheduling walking meetings with some colleagues and we walk and talk. Every single time, I come back feeling more energetic, with a clearer mind and a new boost for the second part of my day. Making decisions is a breeze at this point and I feel strong and focused, at a time when we’re usually struggling with concentration.

  • Incorporate walking into your daily commute: If possible, park your car a little farther away from your office or get off public transportation one stop earlier. I do this when the weather is good, by getting off at the subway stop before the one closest to my destination, and then walking to my office. This small adjustment can add a significant amount of walking to your day without requiring extra time. And trust me, it does something for job satisfaction too!

Are you a Stay-at-home Mom?

Your days are probably filled with endless tasks, for the children, the home, and any other ventures you have your hands in. Finding time for yourself and prioritizing your own wellness may seem like a pipe dream, but walking can help these feel less insurmountable. Sounds counter-productive? Stay with me. By embracing walking as a stay-at-home mom, you can prioritize your own wellness while also caring for your family. Walking provides an opportunity for you to take a break from the demands of motherhood and focus on your physical and mental health.

  • Make it a family activity: You can involve your children and partner by taking leisurely strolls around the neighborhood after dinner, allowing everyone to unwind and enjoy some quality time together. Not only will you be able to prioritize your health, but you'll also be setting a positive example for your family by instilling healthy habits from an early age.

  • Leverage your children's activities as an opportunity to walk: If your child has a scheduled sports practice or dance class, instead of sitting on the sidelines, use that time to walk around the premises. A facility like your local YMCA probably has an indoor walking/ running track that you can use. Most kids’ activities typically run for at least half an hour. That’s free walking time for you, my friend. If you can leave the premises, explore the nearby park or neighborhood, or even find a nearby track where you can get your steps in. Not only will this ensure you are staying active, but it will also save you the hassle of trying to find additional time in your busy schedule for exercise.

  • Integrate movement into your tasks: When running errands, park a little further from the store entrance and walk the extra distance. Finding a path through the neighborhood trail or park on the way back from dropping the boys off at school, can improve my mood before I even start my day! Take the long route when going to the mailbox or doing chores around the house. When I have an appointment, I even try to park as far away from the building as possible, to extend my walking time in and out. By making small adjustments to your daily activities, you can easily accumulate steps without needing to set aside dedicated exercise time.

Walking and PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can cause a range of symptoms, and managing PCOS requires a holistic approach. Walking is an ideal form of exercise for women living with PCOS, as it addresses multiple aspects of our health - weight management, insulin sensitivity and hormone regulation. I have talked about my PCOS workout journey here. Research has shown that walking can be effective in helping to regulate weight and improve insulin sensitivity, both of which are important for women with PCOS. Walking at a moderate pace for just 30 minutes a day can have a significant impact on weight loss and overall health. Exercise has been shown to reduce levels of insulin, which is often an issue faced by women with PCOS.

Add walking to your low-impact exercise routine: Unlike more intense forms of exercise, such as running or high-intensity interval training, walking is gentle on the joints and muscles, making it accessible for women of all fitness levels. This is particularly important for women with PCOS, who may already have underlying health conditions, such as insulin resistance or joint pain, that make high-impact exercise difficult.

How to Make Walking Fun

Walking may seem like a straightforward form of exercise, but there are plenty of ways to make it fun.

  • Find a walking buddy: Walking with a friend or family member can turn your daily stroll into a social activity, making it more enjoyable and motivating; and helping to hold you accountable to stick to your walking routine and achieve your wellness goals.

  • Set goals and track your progress: Whether it's aiming for a daily step count or gradually increasing your walking speed or distance, having a target can add a sense of purpose to your walks. Consider using a fitness app or a pedometer to keep track of your steps and monitor your progress over time. Celebrate your milestones and use them as motivation to keep going.

  • Get to know your local area: Walking can help you explore new routes and destinations. Instead of walking the same route every day, venture out and discover different neighborhoods, parks, or trails in your area. The change of scenery can stimulate your senses and make your walks more enjoyable. Immersing yourself in a natural environment can enhance the calming and stress-relieving benefits of walking.

  • Add variety to your routine: Instead of always walking at a steady pace, try incorporating intervals of faster walking to increase your heart rate and challenge your body in different ways. You can also experiment with different walking techniques, like power walking or Nordic walking (using walking poles to engage more muscles and increase calorie burn).

  • Stay entertained: Consider creating a personalised walking playlist filled with your favourite songs or podcasts. Listening to upbeat music or engaging podcasts can make your walks fly by and keep you entertained. Alternatively, you can use this time to enjoy audiobooks or language lessons. It's a great way to multitask and make your walks both productive and fun.

Walking is not just a means to achieve wellness, but also an opportunity to find joy in the journey itself. When you truly enjoy the process of walking, it becomes easier to stay motivated and committed to your wellness goals. So, find pleasure in the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other, and success will naturally follow.

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu

"An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day." - Henry David Thoreau

Now, it's time for action. Put on your favorite playlist, grab a walking buddy, or embark on a solo adventure. Make walking a part of your daily routine and experience the countless benefits it brings. The path to wellness may have ups and downs, but with each step, you'll inch closer to a healthier, happier you. Whether you're a busy individual, a desk job worker, a stay-at-home mom, or a woman living with PCOS, walking can be tailored to fit your lifestyle.

Start small and gradually increase your walking time, and don't forget to enjoy the process. Remember, wellness is within reach – take the first step today!