Meet Kunbi: The lady who Launches

Launch it Afraid..... Launch it with Imposter Syndrome...... Just launch that sh*t!
— Kunbi Odubogun

In the second episode of our 3-part series connecting on how we juggle and remain productive, happy and all that good stuff, I’m chatting with a real one! Kunbi Odubogun is…. Honestly, I don’t even know where to start in describing Kunbi. And if you know her, you understand my dilemma.

But that’s not gonna stop me. I’ll try anyway! So Kunbi is that friend you imagined in your head when you were a kid; the one that you would meet later in life, who has somehow had similar (ish) life experiences - plus or minus more than a few expensive details cos this babe is what I like to call “upmarket”! I know you know what I mean. That one whose eyes light up when you approach your well-timed dramatic pause in a conversation just before the punchline and you just know she gets it. The one that’s somehow down to earth even with a billion reasons not to be, because I don’t know about you, but some kinds of claim to fame need to be announced as I walk into the room. Any room! Because this babe has been recognised at ALL the tables! CNN, Buzzfeed, Cosmopolitan, Bridal Guide Magazine and many more. I believe my point has been made. But will I stop? No! Kunbi doesn’t, and we’re currently on a WWKD cruise at the moment.

Kunbi is fun, she’s fancy, she says she has embraced shame as a part of life and you know what? That did it for me; because really if you’re in our age group (advanced :D) and you haven’t cracked this “accepting yourself” code, please just pick up this wisdom for free right now and align.

Kunbi Odubogun

Kunbi Odubogun

Anyway, as far as I’m concerned, our meeting each other was predestined by the divine because how else can I explain the ridiculous timeline of listening to ISWIS podcast on my drive to work, relating deeply to Kunbi’s story, and then stumbling on her IG post weeks later (where she unknowingly dragged me and my reluctance to launch this Good Living idea), making a comment, then somehow turning into chat buddies and ultimately becoming one of the willing victims of her incessant dragging to “Launch That Shit” and not sit on my hands when it comes to turning my plans into action?

Kunbi hounds you to be your best, but she makes it fun. You feel triggered but motivated at the same time. Listening to her story about her endometriosis and infertility journey provides some context to her resilience and ability to remain undeterred but at the same time leaves you wondering how she can go through all that pain and not only remain so cheerful and positive, but push others to look beyond their setbacks.

There’s a whole TTFC (Trying To Freaking Conceive) community she has built around this very important yet oft-whispered topic.

All of this scratches the surface of describing the person I have come to know and love. 

From where I am standing, this is who she is. But even more impressive are all the balls she juggles, even if she tries to downplay it. Okay, so you think classy and stylish celebrations, I know you’ve heard about Perféte. That’s Kunbi. For conversations around leading women, the Perféte podcast. Yup, also Kunbi. You have a creative or business idea that needs some shaping and strategy, guess who your consultant/ professional motivator is at “Launch That Ish”? Uh huh. In fact, let’s say you’ve run the business idea and you need legal guides on your engagement toolkit and contracts for your small or mid-sized business or project. It doesn’t get better than an NY and Penn Bar-certified attorney, does it? And guess who runs ‘Legally Set’? Exactly! So you see why I call her my LAUNCHER! She doesn’t just launch. All you need is a peek at the longevity of the Perféte brand and you’re a convert. Kunbi launches AND stays the course. And I just realised I didn’t mention her 9-5 job!  Listen, this babe is THE babe! She’s based in bustling New York, raising a cute cheeky toddler and just generally making it all look so easy! 

Kunbi Odubogun

Kunbi Odubogun

We had a fun sit-down at an ungodly hour, where we talked about a ton of topics that I hope you find interesting, insightful and helpful. I must warn you that when two people who like gist come together to talk over a questionable internet connection and a few bottles (sorry I meant glasses - you know what, never mind) of wine and cocktails, you are going to have to take what we give you, okay? 

There were some real gems in this chat though. We talked about struggle olympics, 30+ issues, bloody hormones (literally and figuratively), practical tools to help you be more productive, borrowing money from your husband (we’re still fine-tuning the fine print on this one!), delegating and outsourcing; and embracing shame like a warm pashmina! And if you watch attentively, you’ll even get a peek of Ore reminding us who’s his mum’s boss! 

I hope you have as much fun watching/ listening to this conversation as we had making it for you. 


The End…. For now… :-)

You can connect and stay in touch with Kunbi and her many hats on Instagram @kunbithecurator @perfete and @legallyset

In the meantime, let Kunbi and I know in the comments what you think, what practical questions you have, what has resonated with you and let’s support each other as we push past the barriers and launch those crazy ideas taking up space in our heads! 

Our next & final guest in this series is a good old friend from way way back. this one is going to be serious but fun. hopefully no embarrassing old time stories are exposed in our conversation…

Anyway, stay connected with us on Instagram @goodlivingwithmae.

see you next week!


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