Passionfruit Mango Pavlova

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Here we go again with another meringue! Seriously I simply can’t get enough. Who wouldn’t be in love with this dessert though? 3 ingredients! In fact, I have a 2-ingredient version with just the egg whites and sugar. But this time I added the vinegar for that extra shine.

So a few things this time. I decided to slightly scoot away from my typical summery meringues and instead went a bit tangy this time with the passionfruit. I stepped away from normal behaviour and included the seeds in the passionfruit curd, and I didn’t want to risk having no unadulterated sweetness in the topping so that’s where the mango slices come in.

I’m not great at using seasonal produce, simply because my cravings and creative urges are so random. So I typically freeze portions of my favourite fruit. True story, when in Nigeria, I would buy a basket of mangoes, peel the pulp off the seed and freeze. That way I could literally have mango-based smoothies, juices and desserts year round. Yup, so this time I used the frozen passionfruit pulp, but I got fresh mangoes because yeah I don’t need to freeze them here in The Netherlands since they are always available (in season or not), and theres nothing like a huge hit of freshness to top your pavlova, is there?

Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s the Australian influence from when I lived in Melbourne for 12 months, or the emotional connection to my friend Els who introduced me to pavlova goodness, but this is one dessert I can’t stop thinking of. I have at least another 4 pavlova/ meringue related recipes brewing in my head. Let’s just say it’s a great thing summer is around the corner.

So, a few tips for you when you make this. Fold (do not whip) the vinegar into the meringue. The hollow in the shape should be a bit shallow (the filling is not heavy and the curd runs a bit) and leave the oven closed until the full cooling period is complete (this is very important).

Now what to do with those egg yolks? You best believe I’m working on something for that! It involves chocolate and lots of cream!

Okay so, try it, and remember to let me know what you think! With photos too!

Prep Time: 2.5 hours

yield: 8 slices


For the Pavlova

  • 4 egg whites

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar

For the Passionfruit Curd:

  • 3/4 cup passionfruit pulp (with seeds)

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • 170g butter, cut into cubes

  • 200g granulated sugar

  • 3 eggs

  • 2 egg yolks

For the Topping:

  • 2 cups heavy cream

  • 2 mangoes, thinly sliced


  1. Pre-heat oven to 140°C. Draw a circle on the underside of a parchment paper sheet to mark the desired shape for the meringue. Line a baking tray with the parchment paper, ensuring the penciled side faces down on the tray.

  2. Place egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat using the whisk attachment until soft peaks form.

  3. Gradually add sugar a little at a time, making sure to beat well to mix after each addition.

  4. When the mixture is thick and glossy, slowly fold in the white vinegar.

  5. Transfer the mixture to the prepared baking tray and, using a large spatula, form into a round shape with a slight hollow in the middle (where the topping will sit).

  6. Place in pre-heated oven and bake for 1 hour 15 minutes. Turn off the oven and allow the pavlova to cool in the oven for 1-2 hours. Leave the oven door closed until the oven has completely cooled.

For the passionfruit curd

  1. In a pot, place passionfruit pulp, lemon juice, butter, and sugar. Cook over a medium heat until the butter has melted and the sugar dissolved.

  2. In a large bowl place eggs, and additional egg yolks. Whisk together until combined.

  3. While whisking the egg mixture, slowly pour in the passionfruit mixture in a steady stream into the eggs. Do not stop whisking.

  4. Return mixture to the saucepan and go back to cooking over a low heat until thickened and coating the back of your spoon. Ensure you do not stop stirring (should take about 5-6 minutes).

  5. Take the pan off the heat and leave to cool. Once cooled place in a sterilised jar and store in the fridge (The curd will last for about 10 days if properly refrigerated).

Assembling the Pavlova:

  1. Whip cream until medium peaks form and spread over the cooled pavlova. Decorate with mango slices and pour the passionfruit curd over the top.

Tip: Use the back of a spoon to create a nice pattern around the walls of the meringue mixture. Or freestyle it like I did :)

Did you try this recipe? Let us know in the comments or continue the conversation on Instagram, using the hashtag #goodlivingwithmae